The Pier train replacement project plans are chugging along nicely again, following a brief delay due to problems sourcing parts, caused by the third lockdown earlier this year. Delivery of the new electric trains, designed in heritage green and cream is expected on 19th July, followed by installation and training. Therefore the (TBA) launch date of the new trains is expected to be at least 10 days later.
It is not the end of the line for the existing diesel trains, which have been in operation since 1986. The former trains will remain part of Southend Pier, with carriages installed on the Pier providing visitors with seating and shelter.
Ian Gilbert, leader of Southend Council, said: “It’s hard to get and exact date, but it will probably be finished in mid to late July."
“I think it's great news that they will be here during the summer season."
“There has been a huge amount of interest so I am sure they will be a great attraction. We’re all really excited about the project.”
Martin Terry, councillor in charge of community safety and pier operations, added: “This is a really exciting time, and in time for the school holidays."
“A couple of carriages will be used at the end of the pier for shelter with seats, like a waiting area. It’s a great idea. The new pier trains are a bright light. The designs are lovely, and will take visitors back to years gone by.”